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Hvad ville du spørge Steven Hall om?

I næste weekend er der Bogforum i København, og Zenia og jeg drager derover om søndagen. Ud over det sædvanlige forsøg på at nå det hele på den halve tid har jeg i år også fået mulighed for at interviewe forfatteren Steven Hall, manden bag årets læseoplevelse.

Jeg er begyndt at genlæse Råchokteksterne og diverse interviews med Hall og faldt bl.a. over dette på 3:AM Magazine:

3:AM: Journalists – especially literary ones – like to create genres, and the term ‘fright fic’ has been applied to The Raw Shark Texts. Was the ‘rehabilitation of horror fiction’ ever really on your agenda?

SH: Horror is one of the things I’m interested in, but I’m interested in all sorts of stuff. I wanted to try to write a real and moving love story which was also an adventure thriller with a gigantic shark, and I wanted to write about the nature of memory, identity and language. There are lots of things different things in the book. I wanted to try taking ideas and themes and approaches which aren’t traditionally seen together and look for a way to make them all work together as one novel.

Derfor et hurtigt oplæg til Horrorsidens læsere – hvad ville du spørge Hall om (og ja, jeg har tænkt mig at hugge de gode spørgsmål, der bliver nævnt)?


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